NFT Inventory
The Inventory section holds your Non-Fungible Token (NFT) collections and is organized by the number of NFTs you own from each project. To learn more about NFTs, visit What's an NFT?.
For this example, we have added a Watch Account for the notsofastgallery.eth address and their collection of over 200 different NFT projects.
Clicking on "+224 More" will display a full list of each project and the amount of NFTs they own.
NFT Display
To search for specific NFTs, use the Search bar on the main Account Panel.
Below we have searched for the term "Milady" and pulled up the Milady Maker project:
When clicking on each NFT image, Frame will display the associated OpenSea link for you to confirm. By proceeding to the link below, your wallet will open a new browser tab to the asset page for Milady 8957.
Make sure to always double-check the source for this link before proceeding.